Reminder Tomorrow May 9th is also: Middle school one act at 6:30pm students in 6-8 grade performing Middle School and High School Talent show/spring choir concert at 7pm following the ms one act play students in 6-12 grade performing
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Tomorrow May 9th is the Cedar Bluffs 5th Annual Talent Show from 1:00-2:00 pm in the school gym. It will be for grades Kindergarten-5th grade. Come join us if you are able!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Girls entering grades 7th-12th can sign up for Coach Dunker's basketball camp this summer. See Mr. Greene for your registration form!
over 5 years ago, Nate Greene
Thanks to all who attended Academic Awards night tonight! We had a great turnout of support! Special congrats to all of those students who received awards!
over 5 years ago, Nate Greene
Don't forget to donate to the Cedar Bluffs Education Foundation. We are $400 from $4000. Donate at #investinginthefuture
over 5 years ago, Jeff Beckman
Today the 3rd grade class was having a reader's theater!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
All parents and students please have all checked out library books brought back to the school library on or before May 13th! Thanks
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Fremont Area Big Give is tomorrow, May 7th. Make a tax deductible donation to allow children to participate no matter their ability to pay. Go to to make a donation.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Beckman
Due to the forecasted weather, District Track has been moved to Friday, May 10th at the same time and same location. Thanks!
over 5 years ago, Nate Greene
Just a reminder! Tomorrow night is the Academic/Fine Arts Award Night at 7:00 pm.
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Yearbooks have been ordered and will be distributed to students on May 22nd, so they can trade and sign with their friends! You can still order yearbooks, but there is only a limited number left, so make sure to reserve yours by getting your order forms turned in as soon as possible!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Meeting for athletes and parents about summer schedule for weights and other information will begin at 7:00PM tonight in the high school gym. Also academic awards night is tomorrow, May 7th, at 7:00PM at the high school.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Beckman
Fremont Area Big Give is Tuesday, May 7th. Help support the kids of Cedar Bluffs with a tax deductible donation. Go to on May 7th to donate!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Beckman
Reminder the Elementary Spring Concert is tonight starting at 6:30 for K-2nd grade and 7:30 for 3rd-5th grade. See you all tonight!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Last week we celebrated some of our staff that have hit some pretty major anniversaries working here at Cedar Bluffs Public School. We are very lucky to have our incredible staff and appreciate all they do. Those that were honored are pictured below as well as Shelby Jones, Rose Nadrchal, and Tammy Sukstorf.
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Just a reminder that there is MS/HS Volleyball Open Gym tonight from 6:30-8:00 at the high school!!
over 5 years ago, Nate Greene
The 2019 Summer HS Baseball schedule has been updated on the website under "Activities."
over 5 years ago, Nate Greene
Just a reminder the youth volleyball camp sign up sheet was sent out. It will be June 13th & 14th for girls entering 3rd-6th grade. PLEASE SEND CASH OR CHECK FOR THE $20 FEE FOR CAMP T-SHIRT WITH THE FORMS. Form is also available here:
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
2019-2020 JH & HS Basketball Schedules. They have also been updated via the website under "Activities."
over 5 years ago, Nate Greene
2019-2020 Basketball Schedules