The Wrestling Store has been EXTENDED ONE MORE day so get your purchases in while it is still open!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Attention all in need of Christmas gifts this year see below!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
CB High School Wrestling meeting will be Wednesday, November 20th at 5:30 in Mr. Larsen's room. Also, beginning tomorrow the CB High School Wrestling team is going to be selling Wahoo Meat Locker items for their yearly fundraiser! If you're interested in purchasing something make sure you get a hold of a wrestler or Mr. Parker!
over 5 years ago, Nate Greene
Don't forget Family Movie Night is this Friday. Please sign up if you would like to come!:
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
The Cedar Bluffs FBLA is looking to pair student members with Senior Citizens in the Cedar Bluffs Community. Please let us know if you know someone who could use a little extra help! Students will be paired, and make time to introduce themselves, the week of Thanksgiving. Email Mrs.Chrisman at or Call the School and leave a message!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Cedar Bluffs Elementary would like to lend a helping hand this holiday season by collecting food for the Care Corps in Fremont. We are asking for any canned or boxed items to be sent Monday November 11th through Monday Nov. 18th. The winning classroom will receive a ice cream party!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
If we have any student athletes that are going to sign with a college to participate in a sport/activity and are planning on signing during the November Signing date please let Mr. Greene know!
over 5 years ago, Nate Greene
Get your wrestling gear! The store closes today, so order now!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
The JH Boys Basketball game scheduled for Tuesday, November 19th has been moved to Monday, November 18th at 6:30!
over 5 years ago, Nate Greene
Veteran's Program today!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Now Hiring!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Girls and boys High School Basketball Pictures are planned to be taken Monday the 11th afterschool. You can print and view the order forms here:
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Reminder: St. Matthew's Church is having their annual Turkey Supper this Saturday November 9th in the CB Auditorium from 5-8pm. To go orders are also available at the church!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
We had a Red Ribbon Week Poster contest last week. The winning poster was made by Mrs. Fredrickson's Students in 5th grade!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Its that time of year again! Please consider purchasing items from our community giving tree this year. See below for more details.
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Calling all Alumni, if you were in pep band please see the flyer below. We would like to welcome you back to play with the band on Dec. 20th at the home girls basketball game!
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
November 11, 2019 we will be honoring our Veteran's.
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Elementary Christmas Programs will be Dec 6th! Please see flyer for more information:
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Mrs. Amen & Mrs. Ptomey's Freshman class finished their rollercoasters this week. They were learning about kinetic and potential energy and had to design their own tracks from scratch
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen
Pictured are some of our red ribbon week kids that took the pledge to be drug free.
over 5 years ago, Dawn Hansen