Superintendent Press Release November 4, 2022
Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,
Quick update from last week, the legislation that we proposed to the NSAA that would have allowed a student to participate in more than one sport during a season did not pass our district and therefore will not advance. We will try again next year. We should have done a better job of getting other Administrators on board prior to this meeting, so we will start next spring and do a better job of advocating.
I am absolutely impressed with our students and the work our teachers do every day. Every year we measure our elementary students progress of reading in the fall with the AimsWeb Reading Screener. Below is a chart of this year’s progress, tracking students over the past 3 years. What it shows is the number of students that are ABOVE the national average in reading and the growth over the past 3 years. For instance, this year’s 3rd grade class (in blue) had 16 students when they were in 1st grade that were above the national average in reading and now as 3rd grader’s they have 28 students who are above the national reading benchmark. Tremendous progress!
Other data from this year reveals similar achievements throughout all grades, as well as similar improvements in math. We use a great deal of data to help determine student needs and then build individual plans to help all students succeed.
Next week we have our annual Veterans Day celebration on Friday, November 11th. The community is invited to this event. The school works with the Legion and the Sons of the American Legion to line up a speaker, we host the event and provide the music. The event starts at 10am and usually is around 40 minutes in length. I have not heard yet, who the Legion has asked to speak but it is always good.
Also remember the Adult Bingo starting at 6pm in the Auditorium Saturday the 12th. Funds raised from this event go directly to our foundation which supports students at our school.
Have a wonderful weekend!
#Wildcat Pride!