Superintendent Press Release September 9, 2022
Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,
Some exciting news, the administration has been asked to present at the Nebraska School Board’s Association State Conference on why we were recognized last year as a Magna Award winning school for our submission, “Cradle to Career”. Cedar Bluffs Public School highlighted our Daycare, PreSchool, AfterSchool program, free youth sports, Free College classes for high school students, our free after school transportation and our Career Academy in winning this award. The conference is November 16-18th at the CHI Health Center in Omaha and we will have about an hour presentation. Mrs. Chrisman has been instrumental in the development of our Career Academy and students are benefiting from their experiences working with our partner businesses. Very exciting stuff going on at Cedar Bluffs!
Also, just a heads up starting in September you may see a fence erected as construction on our new gym with cafeteria is scheduled to begin. The metal building has been ordered and delivery is set for January but in the meantime, the construction crew will begin preparing the site. This building is made possible, in part, by the ESSER money that was given to the school during COVID from both President Trump and President Biden. We have asked the construction company to create a new entry into our practice football field from the west. That way we can keep students and staff safe as earth moving vehicles enter and exit from first street rather than near the school.
Our new Avel Health Care Nurse Station has been up and running since September and our onsite people say, there isn’t a day we haven’t used the interactive Nurse Station. If you child has gotten to use it, I hope they have expressed how wonderful it is to have a nurse at the touch of button. Fortunately, we have not seen a surge in new COVID cases but have seen some general sickness that is on norm with most years. Cedar Bluffs Public School does have a flu vaccination clinic scheduled for all of our staff on September 28th and we encourage everyone to talk to their health care provider about preventative care before flu season.
Some other calendar items of note: on September 19th the school is having a Financial Literacy presentation that is also a Music Concert for our 6-12th grade students. This rock concert is sponsored by local banks and provides our students an opportunity to learn more about Financial Literacy. September 24th is our annual Daddy and Daughter Dance at the Auditorium. And on September 25th, the FCCLA has their annual highway cleanup day. One last calendar item to make sure you get on your radar is October 23rd, the day scheduled for the Annual Trunk or Treat here in Cedar Bluffs. I am very proud of all of our students and staff for their servant leadership and engagement with our community. Hope to see you tomorrow at the Skill's car show and hope your child had a wonderful Homecoming week.
#Wildcat Pride!