superintendent newsletter

Superintendent Press Release May 6, 2022

Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,

Seniors last day! – and the last Weekly Superintendent Newsletter until next year.

This summer we expect to begin moving dirt for the new expansion west of the school. Cedar Bluffs Public School received ESSER money after applying to increase our kitchen and cafeteria space which will allow for social distancing. Cedar Bluffs was awarded close to one million for this new building and with added funds from our savings we should complete the project in the fall of 2023. Still in its design phase, the new space will have a kitchen about double our current kitchen size, serving area with 2 serving lines and space that will be used as a second gym but also serve as the cafeteria for students to sit and eat. Currently, Cedar Bluffs Public Schools start feeding students lunch at 10:45am and continues until 1:05pm each day. By adding a 2nd service line, we should be able to double the number of students who receive meals at the same time and with the added cafeteria space, sit four times the number of students in the new space than we do now. In turn this should shorten the amount of time students spend waiting in line, eating in the classrooms, returning lunch trays, and allow us to gain academic time. Omaha World Herald is running a piece this Sunday on the project as well as what other school are doing with the ESSERS money.

Remember summer school starts June 6th, if you haven’t signed up for summer classes, please contact the school. High School and Middle School weights program as well as open gym times will also occur this summer. We will also be doing the summer feeding program again. This program provides a FREE meal to anyone ages 1 to 18. All these programs are 100% reimbursable and provide quality opportunities for our students.

Have a safe and restful summer! – School starts again August 10, 2022.

2021-22 TOTAL POSITIVE: 79-Students, 54-Parent(s)/Family Members, 11-Staff

THIS WEEK POSITIVE: 0-Students, 0-Parent(s)/Family Members, 0-Staff CURRENT QUARANTINE: 0

We had no COVID positive test to report for my final report this year and end with 79 students, 54 parents and only 11 staff who tested positive for the 2021-2022 school year.

Our 7-day rolling average for ALL absences was 16.57 students per day absent for all illnesses that equates to 3.51% of our student population. This is very close to our historic average of 3% in a normal year.
