Superintendent Press Release March 18, 2022
Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,
Spring is upon us. As the weather continues to become nicer, I notice more students and adults taking in the nice weather. Encourage your student to enjoy the weather, rather than isolate themselves playing video games. It is through active play and imagination that healthy habits are formed, and discovery learning can occur.
Through the Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief Fund passed Cedar Bluffs Public School applied and has received roughly 1 million in Federal aid. ESSER 1 and 2 under former President Trump and then ESSER 3 under President Biden was approved to help schools implement strategies for safe schools and for academic recover. Cedar Bluffs Public School applied to expand our cafeteria so that we may socially distance and redesign our kitchen to make it more efficient. When this building was designed the kitchen and cafeteria where students eat was only set up for a maximum of 300 students and now that we have more than that in the elementary alone, we are spending from 10:50am until 1:00pm each day rotating students through just to feed everyone. By expanding our cafeteria sitting space and adding a second serving line we think we can shorten that time and in turn use the time for instruction and academic recovery. Look for more information to come as we begin working with our architect to design a new space and more efficient kitchen.
2021-22 TOTAL POSITIVE: 78-Students, 53-Parent(s)/Family Members, 11-Staff
THIS WEEK POSITIVE: 2-Students, 0-Parent(s)/Family Members, 0-Staff CURRENT QUARANTINE: 0
If you remember last week, we had a parent test positive that resulted in the quarantine of two students. Those two students who were in quarantine tested positive this week. No other positive tests were reported.
Our 7-day rolling average for ALL absences was 18.28 students per day absent for all illnesses that equates to 3.87 % of our student population. Absences from illnesses continue to fall although we saw some stomach bug this past week that caused vomiting. Hope you were able to stay healthy. Have a great 3 days weekend. #WildcatPride