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Superintendent Press Release March 11, 2022

Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,

Please come out and enjoy a Sloppy-Joe at our annual seniors versus staff basketball game next Tuesday. Prior to that game at 5pm, the speech team will be putting on a performance in Mr. Pittman’s room. Don’t forget Wednesday and Thursday are Parent-Teacher Conferences and a no school Friday. There is no after school program Wednesday through Friday next week.

Today we had a young man, Zephan Kluthe sign his letter of intent to play college football with the Hastings Broncos next year. We are so proud of him and all his accomplishments. It truly is amazing that in a small school, you can do everything and have opportunities that you might not have anywhere else. Hard work, determination and setting goals are the way to achieve. Numerous studies have shown only three percent of the population set goals and only about one percent actually write them down. Goal setting is a key antecedent to success. Have you asked your son or daughter what goal(s) they have set?

As an administrative team we have been talking a lot lately about one of our core concepts “accountability” and how I think we need to continue to develop this aspect throughout our school. The Mission of Cedar Bluffs Public School and our “Kids First” Culture is to develop High Expectations through positive Relationships that will promote Respect, Accountability, Hard Work and Determination; ensuring that every student has the ability to succeed in the global society. One thing that is extremely hard as a parent is allowing our kids to fail. I have a really hard time of doing this myself and want to intervene when my children do something that results in them having consequences. I see this more and more in our society. If a student gets in trouble, parents want to blame themselves, blame others or make excuses for why the student shouldn’t be held accountable for making a mistake. I have to continue to remind myself that I would rather my children learn how to deal with the results of their mistake now, while they are young so they won’t make those same mistakes when they get older and the consequences are much more damaging. Remember FAIL is the “First Attempt In Learning” and from failure we learn.

2021-22 TOTAL POSITIVE: 76-Students, 52-Parent(s)/Family Members, 11-Staff

THIS WEEK POSITIVE: 0-Students, 1-Parent(s)/Family Members, 0-Staff CURRENT QUARANTINE: 2

This week we had a parent test positive that resulted in 2 students having to quarantine. Remember, CDC recommendations is that if they are vaccinated and have no symptoms, they may continue to attend school and wear a mask for 10 days or stay home 5 days and then wear a mask when the return for the remaining days equivalent to 10, which does include the weekends.

Our 7-day rolling average for ALL absences was 20.28 students per day absent for all illnesses that equates to 4.30 % of our student population. Still fairly higher than a normal year but as we all know, this is not a normal year. #WildcatPride