Dear Parents,
As you know from my recent COVID update we are seeing a rise in positive cases throughout the State and we saw our first cases in our school last week. Unfortunately, this week we have also seen a rise in our Staff positive cases. While student positive cases remain low, nearly 15% of our staff have tested positive. Due to the unknown of where the spread is coming from, Three Rivers Health has recommended that all employees and employee family members be tested. Three Rivers Health has set up an on-site testing facility for all of our employees and scheduled them so as not to disrupt our normal school day. This test is for our employees and our employee family members only. However, I felt it important to inform you as the results of this testing may result in us altering our school schedule or school day. Please know if any employee is currently symptomatic, they are not on school grounds as per District policy so in essence this testing is for asymptomatic employees and we expect the outcome to be optimistic. As a school we are encouraging all of our employees to test as we feel this is just one more way to make sure our school environment is the safest it can be for our students. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause and will continue to try to communicate throughout this process.