Superintendent Weekly Press Release August 28, 2020

Superintendent Weekly Press Release August 28, 2020

Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,


For the Week of August 28, we remain in the Orange level. The risk dial moved back down from 2.13 to 2.0 which is right on the yellow/orange line mostly because Saunders County fell back into the yellow from a 2.00 to a 1.75 with Washington and Dodge county staying the same. With Dodge county staying at 2.25 and with about half our student and staff population coming from Dodge county we continue to blend all three risk dials for our overall level. I am proud of our staff and students for continuing to work hard at being safe. I will also let you know the board of education implemented a policy that requires our staff to meet with the administration should they be planning on traveling outside of Nebraska to ensure that our staff continues to take proactive steps to keep all of us safe even while traveling outside the State.

COVID POSITIVE: 0-Students, 0-Parents/Family Members, 0-Staff, 0-Exposures at School

Again, this week we have had no COVID positive cases reported to us. However, I will tell you we have had students and staff go home with all kinds of different ailments and most have returned after 24 hours of symptom free. Some parents have chosen to keep their kids home longer and have them tested for COVID. Of those that have, we have gotten all negative tests as of this date. The first week of school that consisted of 3 days we had 7 students gone, last week of a full five days we had 28 students go home or be called in sick and this week another full week we have had 73 students gone. So, you can see the numbers are trending up, but we are also in the midst of allergy season. During our highest week that is an average of 14.6 students a day. We have only had three staff members take days off due to not feeling well since school started and they all returned after 24 hours symptom free.

This week the CDC put out additional guidance on symptoms for us to look for associated with COVID. I have attached those. They include a runny nose and congestion. I know, the same symptoms as allergies so it is getting more and more difficult for us and you to determine if you should be testing your child for COVID. As a parent I think the main reason I would do so is if my son had more than one symptom, or a symptom that was persistent or one of the symptoms that are only attributed to COVID like loss of taste or smell, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. However, I respect any parents decision to have their child tested. Also, we have created a new “Student Illness Tracking Form” to better help our staff and communicate with parents when students go home sick, why they went home sick and when they may return if required to miss days. I have attached that form here:

I hope most of you saw my letter regarding playing football against Emerson Hubbard. If not, you can see that here: https://www.cedarbluffsschools... along with all of my weekly COVID updates. #WildcatPride