Superintendent Weekly Press Release August 7, 2020
Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,
Next Wednesday we welcome our children back to school and are so excited to see all of you. We will begin the school year in COVID Risk Level YELLOW which if you saw our Guidelines for the Return know this means masks are required on busses and in common spaces.
One small change that we have implemented is that our staff are required to wear masks in all areas of yellow and will be encouraging your child as well but with the understanding that we can be more relaxed in the classroom cohort area. If we can socially distance and with the use of plexiglass barriers in the classroom, I think students can take more breaks from their masks during the yellow phase.
Second, I must inform you that we have already quarantined one staff member. His wife works for Fremont Public School and has tested Positive for COVID from interaction at Fremont Public School and therefore we have asked him to quarantine. He has also decided to be tested and I will try to update you weekly on cases at our school. After contract tracing it was determined that no other staff member or student was exposed. We have also asked that any parent who has been exposed or tested positive in the past two weeks contact the school and at this time, we have not had any parents contact us.
Lastly, since our return to school guidelines didn’t tell you all the measures the school is going through to keep our staff and students safe, I want to share with you some of the changes you will immediately see and things we are still working on. First, many of the faucets throughout the school have been replaced with touchless faucets as well as the paper towel dispensers. We have a few more to do as they are back ordered. We have also ordered and are waiting on installation of “air scrubbers” with UV lights that will be installed in our HVAC system much like what is used in hospitals that are designed to kill bacteria and virus of recirculated air. We are telling our teachers that they may take classes outside to instruct, open windows to encourage fresh air circulation since experts have agreed that the spread of the virus outside is 10,000 times less likely. And lastly, we have ordered and have begun receiving outside lunch tables so students and staff may take their food outside to eat when the weather is cooperative.
As a school we understand nothing is absolute, but we do believe in taking as many precautions as we can to help mitigate the spread of the virus in hopes that we can keep everyone safe. We need your help, please remember to take your child’s temperature before you send them to school and please communicate with the school if you or your child is not feeling well. Let’s have a great school year.