Superintendent Weekly Press Release April 24, 2020
Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,
This continues to be trying times for everyone and we are hoping all of you are safe. Not only has this virus caused chaos in our lives, but for many families it has been a financial hardship. To this end, we are trying to find a way to continue with the feeding program even after the school year would end in May. If we are allowed through the National School Lunch Program to continue with deliveries through the summer, we are working on logistics to do this.
With the Governor and Commissioner of Education cancelling all in person education and school activities until May 31st, we are looking at a summer school but have also been told to prepare for what virtual education may look like in the Fall, if we cannot return to normal school. When I was told this, my heart sunk. I truly miss our students and staff and understand that our school is more than just a place your kids visit.
Furthermore, I understand that many of you as parents are struggling to motivate and inspire your child to continue to be a “student” at home. Please understand we as a school get it, and truly believe that during this time there is more to learn than what we send home as “schoolwork”. However, it is important to continue to ask your child to do the work the school sends home but not because of the content but because it is important to teach your child that education is a lifelong task. Children thrive on routine and right now, all of that is gone. As a parent, you can provide a framework that keeps their brains active. The best thing you can do is provide that structure by setting aside an hour a day that is devoted to “schoolwork” but then set aside an hour on the weekend or during the evening to teach your child how to be a lifelong “student”. Spend time with your child in the kitchen, measuring ingredients to make cookies because that too is “schoolwork”. Read the news and current events to them or if they can read it to you that is “schoolwork”. Learning to change oil in your car is “schoolwork”. Challenge them to complete a sudoku puzzle or play chess with them because this is “schoolwork”. Go on a nature hike pointing out different plants or animals because that too is “schoolwork”.
Please remember that all students in the world are on a hiatus from regular school. Your child is not falling behind because everyone is in this together. Kids will still get into college, kids will still learn long division, kids will still learn the difference between the executive and legislative branches of our government when school starts up again. But for now, just “Be Engaged” with your child. #WildcatPride