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Superintendent Weekly Press Release March 27, 2020

Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,

What unprecedented times we are living in. I hope you feel that as a school we have tried to communicate with you in this very fluid environment where things are changing so quickly on a weekly and sometimes daily time frame. Since this all began, the school has released 8 statements regarding our school operations, and this is my first of what will be a weekly press release on Friday’s throughout the duration of our closure. Today will be the 8th day we have missed a regularly scheduled day since closing and it already feels much longer. We miss all of our kids and hope all of you are safe. To date we have put in place processes for daily feeding, the backpack program, remote learning for all PK-12 grades, counseling services, special education services and are making house calls where necessary for our families most in need. Our hourly staff continue to come during different times and are doing different jobs than they are used to. They are cleaning, painting and are instrumental in allowing us to do our feeding program. We continue to hold office hours from 9am – 2pm and our teachers are working either remotely or in their rooms to produce the remote learning. Our building is closed to the public but if you need something, you may call and we can arrange to meet you at the door.

Although we are consistently feeding around 100 students’ a day, we would like to adjust our schedule for the feeding program to 11am-1pm since that is the bulk of when our families are picking up food. I want to inform you that our principals will be posting weekly video’s with information, deadlines and announcements. So please stay in touch with our school’s website. The elementary principal will post the first one this coming week, then the secondary principal the next week and so forth. Also, one of the unique things that Cedar Bluffs “Kids First” school is doing different is that every student in the 7-12th grade has been divided into groups among all our secondary teachers so those teachers can do “wildcat check in” calls at least every other week. The calls are not about homework or remote learning, but they are about continuing to build on the positive relationships we value with our kids. We know school is more than education, it is about positive relationships and having another adult who cares about the needs of your child. We all need support in this new environment. Our elementary teachers will also be reaching out to their kids in their class but that may look very different. #WildcatPride