superintendent newsletter

Superintendent Press Release January 26, 2024

Dear Cedar Bluffs Families,

This week is school board appreciation, and I would be remise not to say, we have an incredible school board that has done an amazing job leading our school. Since 2012 I have worked with the six current members plus some exceptional prior people. Tom Kruse, Deb Radenslaben, Dennis Bittner, and Deb Vacha along with Tim Shanahan and Garlyn Grosse were the original school board that hired me. Garlyn is completing his 20th year as a board member. Other members who served but are no longer serving include Wes Geihler and Dawn Hansen. Our current board members along with Tim and Garlyn are Todd Thiesen, Jeremy Pleskac, Shannon Lubker and our most recent addition Grant Fitzgerald - all have made significant impacts on our school. It has been a pleasure to work with each and every one of them and I am truly grateful for their guidance. They are incredible liaisons for our community and truly represent the very best of what Cedar Bluffs is about.

Collectively this board and the previous board members have overseen the growth of our school from around 200 students in 2012 to close to 500 students today. They have been good stewards of the district’s finances, lowering the property tax levy every year since 2012 by a combined 32 cents. They have added buildings and made improvements throughout the community through a joint effort with the village. They have been visionary in adding early childhood programs to our school before many schools even considered it. They have been huge supporters of the growth in our career academy and invested in teaching vocational trades to all students.

They have been recognized Nationally twice by the Center for Digital Education ranking in the top ten for our 1 to 1 technology initiatives. They were honored by the Nebraska Association of School Boards in 2022 as a Board of Excellence. And lastly, this board was awarded the Silver Magna Award by the National School Boards Association for their commitment to removing barriers around student learning and achievement.

Some of our biggest goals are yet to come. We have goals centered around student learning, finances, buildings, and community development. When our community thrives, our school thrives and vice versa. Cedar Bluffs Public School is the largest employer in Cedar Bluffs, and it is our people that truly make our school great, including the school board that guides them. Help me celebrate our current school board during the halftime of our “Pink Out” girls varsity game on February 1st vs. Parkview Christian.


Wildcat Pride!